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hussystemet - Forum

2014-09-30 17:27   ey

Har funderat på IEGS ett tag och jag undrar hur hussystemet funkar? Liksom, hur delas man egentligen in och hur mycket tid spenderas med ens hus? Tack för svar!

RE: hussystemet
2014-10-14 18:01   Nina Lvovskaya

In our International English Gymnasium Södermalm we have four different houses (King H., Curie H., Pavlov H. and Russell H.). Each house includes 1-3 year of two different lines/programmes (for example: King House - IB and Economy). Throughout the year several inter-house competitions are held. Some of the competitions are voluntary (dance, ensemble and other), some are obligatory (choir/song competition, athletics and 5 km run). Every student has an official "House time" on the schedule, however it is not always used for practices (for example if the competition is voluntary - only participants have to stay). The house system helps to get to know many people in your House as well as outside, show your leader capacities (the captains/seniors/inters of the house), show your talents and just have a great time!

Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm
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